Sunday, August 18, 2024

And the post following the previous post is...

Count Yr Dressings™
Open Call for Articles of Interest
for May 2024
(published in this Leo's month of August, 2024) 
winner was...


Skinny Girl™, Discontinued (for Honey Dijon)
by Emji Saint Spero

what is that thing that women do when they eat salad?
i can't remember.

it's been so long.
since i've been a woman

or it could end like this:


To emji it may concern,

Thank yiou for finally submitting to Count Yr Dressings!
Submission(s) Accepted and you are herein notified that though you have won, we encourage you and all accepted submission(s) to remember,
Nobody Wins Ever.

Wild Arugula Dreams on a Bed of Baby Spinach on a Sea of Vinaigrette. - CYD

For more terrific, though largely non-saladacious, work
by Emji Saint Spero, visit

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