Saturday, September 18, 2010

salad: chopped vs. the wedge...

i like staying abreast of all the latest salad trends. that's not to say that i like them all, or bend to these societal inclinations. just like everything, there are some good, some bad, and some _____. here is an example of two polar opposites concerning trend salads of recent years. 

chopped salad vs. the wedge salad

i absolutely hate wedge salad. a recent visit to "taix" (an echo park french restaurant/elderly magnet) reminded me of this. there i witnessed droves of seniors, entire 4 top tables, all ordering these blocks of iceburg bucketed in bleu cheese dressing. the wedges arrive at their tables, i turn away, and next thing i know they're gone....
i am a notoriously slow eater, but the wedge salad seems like a universally time consuming food item, which brings me to why i hate it...
it's just too fucking hard to eat. i mean, it's just a big block of iceburg salad. you have to approach this thing with knives and forks and other implements. cut and chop. and it kinda moves about and has too much potential for mess. 
on the opposite end of the spectrum, we find the chopped salad...a picture of ease and efficiency. this one nearly tops my list. neatly chopped lettuce(s), tomato, small bits of whatever vegetables, edamame, etc. together with creamy dressings and avocado makes for a forkable, easy to eat (practically anywhere) product. no knife required. blair's in silverlake makes one of the best i've ever tasted (though owner marshall blair can eat something besides salad...).

don't get me wrong, speed eating is not the focus here. actually, as many know, it is impossible for me to eat anything at even a normal average sandwich can take anywhere from 20-40 minutes depending on the situation. but why spend all that time hacking through layers of iceburg when one can gracefully fork up a bowl of chopped plant matter that tastes so much better?

chopped salad: 2
wedge salad: -2


  1. I'm with you.l
    There is also the pickled salad, which can literally be poured down one's throat and is also quite delicious.

  2. not to show support to the wedge, as it's not my personal pick either, but at least you can eat it on the go...occasionally, it might be nice to have a salad when you're late for an appointment, as opposed to running down the street eating eating a grilled cheese or a carrot. note: i have yet to explore this, as i do not endorse iceberg lettuce in general.
